100% Attendance
Attendance is highly valued at our school and we are particularly proud of the improvements we have made in raising our levels of attendance over the past few years.
Pupils who attend school every day for a term receive a 100% attendance certificate and are placed into a draw for a prize. This is different each term and has ranged from WHSmith vouchers, to bowling/iceskating, family passes to a visit to Nandos to take part in food tasting. Parents also receive an attendance slip each term to inform them of their child’s percentage attendance. Those who attend for every single day of the year are presented with a special certificate, receive a 100% pen and pencil set and are placed into a draw for a larger prize eg a tablet.
Class attendance
Classes who achieve 100% attendance in a week receive an 100% cake to share. Every Monday class and whole school attendance is celebrated after Collective Worship. Each class receives a coloured slip of their classes’ attendance to go on their class chart.
Holidays in school time
Due to government regulations, Head Teachers are not able to authorise absence from school unless there are exceptional circumstances. Governors have decided that any unauthorised holiday during term time of ten half days or more will be referred to the Local Authority and will be subject to a fine.
Individual Attendance Support
Mrs Anderson, our PSA works closely with families and pupils who require support in order to improve attendance. This includes family support and a range of other initiatives, including work with the LA Attendance team.
Lateness and Absences
We consider punctuality to be important. Our school bell goes at 8:55am when the school gate closes. After this time your child is considered late and must enter school through the front door and receive a ‘late mark’. This ensures that our school is safe and secure as the gates are locked by 9:00am.
The School Governors have decided that, should a child be ill or absent for any reason. THE PARENT SHOULD RING SCHOOL BETWEEN 8.30 A.M. AND 9.30 A.M. ON THE FIRST DAY OF ABSENCE. In order to safeguard and ensure the welfare of our pupils, if school has no explanation for a child’s absence, we will telephone the contact numbers provided to locate the whereabouts of the child. If no answer is received our PSA will make a home visit to ensure that the child is safe from harm.