Thornaby C of E Primary School considers that Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is an integral part of the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship curriculum and is linked to that for Science. We aim to offer pupils a carefully planned programme on human development, relationships, sexuality and family life within a safe, comfortable atmosphere and in a relaxed relationship between teacher and pupil. The programme is set within a moral framework and matched to the pupils’ level of maturity. This policy reflects the requirements of the DCSF Sex and Relationship Education Guidance (2019). When we inform our children through sex education about sexual issues, we do this with regard to morality and individual responsibility, and in a way that allows children to ask and explore moral questions. We do not use sex education as a means of promoting any form of sexual orientation.
We aim for children to:
• Form healthy relationships.
• Have a healthy respect for themselves and others.
• Understand and respect the differences between them.
• Understand the changes within their bodies as they grow and develop.
• Grow into understanding and respectful members of our community.
We teach RSE through different aspects of the curriculum and carry out the main RSE teaching in our PSHE curriculum. The scheme of work for RSE at Thornaby C of E Primary School maps out a grid of lessons/units for each year group which progresses and returns to themes as children move through the school. We also teach RSE through other subject areas (eg Science, PE and R.E.), where we feel that they contribute significantly to a child’s knowledge and understanding of his or her own body, and how it is changing and developing. Linked with R.E. children reflect on family relationships, different family groups and friendship. They learn about rituals and traditions associated with birth, marriage and death and talk about the emotions involved. We regularly carry out a whole school Diversity week to highlight the diverse nature of our growing society. Since RSE incorporates the development of self-esteem and relationships, pupils’ learning does not just take place through the taught curriculum but through all aspects of school life including the playground. It is important then that all staff understand they have a responsibility to implement this policy and promote the aims of the school.