On the 5th January 2021 the Government instructed that England would re-enter a full lockdown to prevent further spread of the new variant of Covid19 within the community. As part of this lockdown the Government announced that schools will close until February half term for all but the most vulnerable children and those children with parents who are ‘key workers’.
The health and safety of our pupils, staff and the wider school community is, as always, our number one priority.
For further information please see the link: January 2021 Lockdown
Accessing Remote Education
The delivery of home learning varies across the school.
Nursery: Will send out a weekly email to parents and use Seesaw to share the children’s work.
Reception – Year 3: Will receive work by email and Seesaw. Work can be returned and parents can contact teachers by using either method.
Year 4 – Year 6: Will access learning via Microsoft Teams. Assignments are set by this method and children will access a daily meeting with a teacher from their year group. Work is also sent via email.
If your child is unable to access online learning at home please contact the class teacher so that we can offer appropriate support.
For more information please see the link: Remote learning information for parents
Further Information
Protocols for remote and blended learning
Teams- instructions for pupils and parents