
The Governing Body meets regularly and works with the head teacher and the staff to decide the school’s aims and policies and to oversee the efficient running of the school.

The Governing Body has many roles, these include:
• Setting the school’s vision and ethos.
• Planning for the future of the school by setting strategic aims.
• Supporting the work of the school by monitoring progress and achievement across the school.
• Evaluating and analysing data and results.
• Ensuring that the school focuses on high standards of educational achievement.
• Staffing issues- appointing new staff.

Who are the Governors?
The governing body is made up of:
Parent Governors – elected by parents and careers of children in our school.
Co-opted Governor
Foundation Governor
Staff Governors – representatives of teaching and support staff.
Additional postings

What do Governors do?
As well as attending the regular Governing Body meetings to carry out their main roles, Governors also spend time in school. This familiarises them with how our school runs and helps them to understand the issues around decisions they’ll be making. Each Governor is assigned a subject and works with the Subject Leader. The role of the Linked Governor, for their particular interest area, is:
• to gain more detailed, specialist knowledge in their assigned subject.
• to discuss subject MOT’s and Action plans.
• to understand what is in the School Development Plan (SDP)
• to be involved in the review of the SDP and part of the planning process for future priorities.
• to help the Governing Body in its Critical Friend role, by asking questions about progress and challenging appropriately about attainment.
• to meet termly with the subject leader.

How do you become a Governor?
Parent Governor
When a Parent Governor Vacancy becomes available a flyer is sent out to all parents and carers. If parents are interested in becoming a Governor they then get in touch with the School and are required to apply for the position. If more than 1 parent applies for the position then a formal election will take place. All parents have the opportunity to vote for the candidate they wish to become Governor.

Staff Governor
When a Staff Governor position becomes available all staff members are informed. Staff who are interested in becoming a Governor are then required to apply for the position. Like the parent Governor, if more than 1 member of staff applies a formal election takes place. All members of staff have the opportunity to vote for the candidate they wish to become Governor.


Our local Governing body was re-constituted in July 2019 upon joining the Dales Trust. Details of the Trust Board can be found at: Trustees – Dales Academies Trust (


Our School Governors

Nam Type Term 
Mr Eric Collins Co-opted 07/05/2020- 06/05/2024
Vacancy Co-opted
Mrs Jean Rigg  Co-opted   01/07/2019-30/06/2023
Vacancy  Ex-Officio 
Mrs Jean Higgin Foundation  23/02/2021-22/02/2025
Mr Richard Chandler Headteacher 01/01/2023
 Mr Martin Barlow  Parent 18/05/2022-17/05/2026
Mrs Clair McKenna  Parent 23/05/2022-22/05/2026
Mrs Shona Carnell Staff 01/09/2023-

Safer Recruitment Training:  Mrs J Rigg

Chairperson: Mrs J Rigg

C/o Thornaby C of E,  Baysdale Road, Thornaby, STOCKTON-ON-TEES, TS17 9DB. 


Clerk to the Governors: Mrs Janette Ferreira

Municipal Buildings, Church Road, STOCKTON-ON-TEES, TS18 1XE.                            



A little bit of information about our Governors…


Mr Eric Collins
I am a Foundation governor, and a churchwarden, treasurer and PCC secretary for my local church. I worked for ICI for 33 years, mostly in I.T. followed by 16 years working for Stockton Borough Council in the library service. I’ve had a lifelong interest in railways, and was a volunteer on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway for 40 years. I am committed to ensuring our children receive the best possible education. I enjoy working in the school one morning a week as a reading volunteer, and help out with the uniform shop each month.


Mrs J Higgin
I am one of the three Foundation Governors of the school as well as being churchwarden for St Mark’s church on Trenchard Avenue. I am married have two grown up daughters and two grandchildren. I have a special interest in our SEN children and am the SEN governor. I am also a member of the volunteer reading team and read with the reception children on a weekly basis.


Mrs J Rigg
I was a teacher at Thornaby C of E for 35 years, during which time, I became a Teacher Governor. On retiring in 2012, I retained my governor role, but became a Co-opted Governor. I continue to thoroughly enjoy my work as School Governor and find it rewarding to support the school, children and staff to be the best they can be. I am regularly in school working with the EYFS children and am part of the Attendance Committee.


Mr Martin Barlow
I am an alumni of the school and a parent of two children in the school. I was appointed as a governor in June 2022. I am looking forward to working with the head teacher and other governors to support all the pupils in receiving the best education they can.


Mrs Clair McKenna
I am a parent governor, I am fairly new to the role which I started in June 2022. I have a son, 2 granddaughters, and 3 nieces and nephews who attend the school and a grown up daughter who also attended here. I want to support the school where I can, and learn about the school curriculum and the safeguarding of the school.

Attendance at Governing Board Meetings 2022/23

Link to register of Governor Interests 

 Governor behaviour policy